Sales Call Review Checklist

Sales Call Review Checklist

Before and during the call

Use it to ensure thorough preparation and effective communication. After the call, reflect on each criterion, scoring from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent), and jot down specific comments for improvement.

This process helps identifying strengths and areas needing development, fostering continuous growth in sales skills.




Check (✔/✘)

Score (1-5)



Research on company and contact

- Insight into company's industry, size, and competition

- Understanding contact's role and background

- Identifying common interests for rapport building

Review of company's web presence

- Analysis of products, services, and values

- Awareness of current projects and goals

Formulation of targeted questions

- Development of open-ended, probing, and closing questions

Recap of past interactions and notes

- Recall of historical information and previous commitments

During the Call

Self-introduction and company representation

- Professional tone and clear information about self and company

Establishing rapport

- Engaging questions about contact's responsibilities

- Sharing mutual interests and active listening

Clear articulation of call's purpose


Explanation of product/service benefits

- Use of visuals and straightforward language

Handling of objections or concerns

- Active listening and providing reassurances

Presentation of success stories and examples

Closing the Call

Summarization of key discussion points

Proposal for next steps or sale closure

- Confident tone and clear action plan

Post-Call Actions

Update of CRM and sales tracking

Dispatch of relevant information to contact

Preparation for subsequent interactions

How to Use


Pre-Call: Focus on comprehensive research and planning.

During Call: Emphasize connection, clarity, and conveying value.

Closing: Summarize effectively and propose clear next steps.

Post-Call: Ensure prompt follow-up actions and documentation.

Review: Utilize the checklist to appraise the call, highlighting areas of strength and those needing enhancement.

Scoring Guide


1 = Poor | Far below the expected standard

2 = Fair | Requires significant improvements

3 = Average | Meets basic expectations

4 = Good | Demonstrates proficiency and skill

5 = Excellent | Surpasses expectations with outstanding performance